Most of us struggle to visualize and estimate proportions just by looking at a design on a piece of paper.  This causes delays in design finalization, mid-construction changes and extra unnecessary costs

Or worse! you are left with a finished product you’re not happy with. 

Avoid these issues today by reviewing your floor plans and walking through them in full 1-2-1 scale before you sign off on your plans and begin to break ground


There are always challenges when it comes to a commercial building, often due to the size and practical needs of the space. Discovering errors and inconsistencies after the build has started can be a costly mistake that can impact timelines and ROI.


It’s important to actually see your floor plan in real life scale.  With the use of state-of-the-art technology, you are able to walk through your home in true 1-2-1 scale.  We incorporate the use of real furniture and portable walls so you can fully understand the dimensions and details of your build before any works begin.  Eliminate design mistakes, costly mid construction changes and ensure you will love your new house!



Walking through your home or commercial space will save you money by avoiding mid construction changes.


By using Lifesize Floor Plans' thorough initial planning you can save months of revision to your building plans.


Since you are able to view your build plans on a 1-2-1 scale you minimize the chances of making errors in your design.


"I have been building houses for over 40 years and I am yet to build a house that has had no mid construction changes. the reality is once people stand inside their home that is the first time they get a real sense of scale. Lifesize Floor Plans will change this and save people thousands in un necessary construction costs"

- Joe M.

"Fantastic idea we are booked in for the launch week. We are stuck between two layouts and this will really help us choose the best option for us"

- Michael H.

"Myself and my husband spoke to Chris at a trade show, we are very excited to walk through our plans and sign off on our dream home"

- Sarah B.

"As an architect I know that through the different stages of a build a clients perspective on size is constantly changing, so naturally doubts creep in and mid construction changes are inevitable. We believe that this resource will reduce dramatically these changes and save our clients money"

- Patrick J.

"I have been struggling to fully visualise our floor plans so as soon as we saw Lifesize Floor Plans was opening up in Northern Ireland we booked immediately"

- Jennifer T